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At InterGlobe, we manufacture road marking paint, a type of paint used to mark roadways, parking lots, and other surfaces for safety and navigation purposes. The paint is specially formulated to adhere to various surfaces and withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions.

“Marking the Way to Safer Roads”

At InterGlobe road marking paints come in various colors, but the most common colors used for road markings are white and yellow. In addition to the standard white and yellow road marking paints, we are also specialized paints available for various applications. These include reflective paints that improve visibility at night, non-slip paints that provide added traction on slippery surfaces, and thermoplastic paints that are melted onto the road surface for added durability.

Planning States

Following thorough analysis, our team develops higher quality safety measurements.

Our service creates paints with guaranteed durability and quality assurance using A grade raw materials.

Both temporary and permanent road markings have been developed, and both are highly durable and highly visible.

By utilizing raw materials of the highest quality and striving for excellence, we improve quality.